Discover The Steps To Feeling Lighter, Energized and Vibrant So You Can Design the Life and Career you deserve!...
This step-by-step guide packed with insights on how you can get rid of your bad eating habits, find ways to incorporate exercise into your life and tips on how to develop the a positive mindset that will help you to stay consistent and achieve your health and fitness goals so you can transform your health and life.
DO YOU WANT MORE out of life?
My goal is to help you make healthy, long lasting lifestyle changes, that will make you feel at your best! I want to motivate you to get out of your comfort zone, question your limiting beliefs about health, fitness and nutrition and help you to develop new, positive habits that will give you more energy, confidence and success.
Through my own personal journey I’ve discovered that maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle not only increases the level of energy, productivity and overall well-being, it also helps to get rid of old, limiting beliefs that allow us to transform negative patterns into new, positive habits.
All it takes is a shift in your mindset.

"Health is not a goal, it's a lifestyle."

Whether you want to reduce stress, get healthier and fitter or loose those extra kilos, it all starts with one thing: your decision to make a change. But a long lasting transformation to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle can only be achieved if you transform the way of thinking on your mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Ask yourself the following questions: Are you happy, I mean truly happy? Do you fully love and accept yourself and your body? And even if you were, do you want to live the same life you are living now in 5, 10 or 20 years? Do you want to stay in your comfort zone you are in now or do you want to become a happier and more fulfilled person? Do you want to do the same things you are doing over and over again or do you want to pursue your dreams?
I believe we have been given this life as a gift. Maybe you recognize some of the questions? “I’ll start working out when I have more time, or I will try change my diet when my children are older." But why wait for someday? Every day we are given 1440 minutes, for FREE! So why not make the best out of it?
If you want to be healthy, happy and successful in your life and career and look back at all the amazing things you’ve done in ten years, then the time to take action is NOW!
"I believe that the greatest gift you can give yourself and your family is a healthy you."
How can you achieve this?
As a Health Coach, I will help to transform your old limiting beliefs of not being good enough, brave enough, smart enough, slim enough or sexy enough into positive, self-long affirmations that will empower you to become the healthiest, happiest and most successful person you have ever been. What do I expect from you? Commitment and fun along the way.
I will give you practical tools that help enhance your health and well-being and gradually transform your lifestyle into a more healthy one. Together we will develop a fitness routine and a balanced diet that will increase your level of energy, confidence and your success.
If you make your health a priority, you can achieve anything you desire.

Does any of the following scenario sound familiar?
You wish you would have...
...resisted the temptation to watch (yet) another Netflix episode instead of going to exercise
...tried this new, delicious recipe instead of ordering Pizza
...challenged yourself to run one more 1km or 10 min longer than last time
...overcome your fears of not being qualified enough to apply for an exciting job offer
...convinced yourself to go to the networking group in town you heard about
...not fallen back into your old eating habits after successfully completing a 4-week diet
...been more committed to your fitness goals for 2019
If you answered some of these with a yes, then we should talk!
Because I believe it is time to stop living in the past, judging yourself for the things that you didn’t accomplish and start looking at what the future can offer you. Even though I’m not a physic, I can tell you that if you only make one single change, it looks promising.
Why don't you start with this?
Free Webinar
Are you ready for a transformation to a healthier and happier YOU?
Healthy lifestyle choices are the foundation for a happy and successful life and career. If you want to get rid of old habits, negative self-talk and live a healthy lifestyle that you fully enjoy, then take the first step by watching the webinar!
What successful people do differently ...

Your step-by-step Guide
My free eBook “A healthier You” is a step-by-step guide packed with insights on how you can get rid of your bad eating habits, find ways to incorporate exercise into your life and tips on how to develop the a positive mindset that will help you to stay consistent and achieve your health and fitness goals so you can transform your health and life.
To download the book, simply click the link below.

I believe we can learn from those that have already accomplished what we want to achieve, however there is so much information out there that it's easy to get overwhelmed.
I'd like to share my list of books, Podcasts, YouTube channels and movies with you that had a big influence on my life.
Don't spend hours searching on the web, just click the link below.

Highly successful people have one thing in common: A morning routine. Before they engage with the outside world, they take time for their physical and mental growth. A morning routine has a big impact on your day. You'll have much more
energy, are more productive and feel much better overall. Want to know how I successfully start into my day? Then download my free morning routine.